Sheila Kimball, MSN, RN, CBE

Hi I’m Sheila - Labor and Delivery Nurse, Childbirth Educator and Mom of 3! I’m from Rockaway Beach, NYC where I live with my husband and three kids. I started as a nurse on the mother-baby unit. I really loved being able to support brand new moms, and of course, caring for newborn babies. When I gave birth to my daughter, I had the most amazing nurses taking care of me which inspired me to make the jump from being a Mother-Baby RN to a Labor & Delivery RN. It seemed like a big and scary decision at the time - to take on a new role in a new hospital, with a newborn at home- but it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Almost 6 years later, I still find myself so amazed at how strong and selfless the process of becoming a mom is and am impressed by every single one of my patients. Birth is a monumental and oftentimes vulnerable time in a woman’s life and I’m truly honored to be a part of it. Thinking back on my own first delivery experience, I really leaned on my nurses to reassure me, educate me on my choices in birth and be the support that my husband and I needed to get through a long induction when we both were, honestly, very clueless. Even though everything turned out wonderful, I do wish that we had taken a childbirth class to help us prepare and relieve the anxiety of the unknown. One thing that I did do to prepare for motherhood was take a breastfeeding class during my pregnancy - and there is little doubt in my mind that I would have been successful with breastfeeding without taking it. All of this is to say- I love what I do and I cannot wait to help more parents prepare for this wonderful life changing experience. I’m so glad that you are here!